In the below video Mark Brownridge, Director General of the Enterprise Investment Scheme Association, reintroduces our Green Shoots committee.

What is Green Shoots?

Green Shoots is a branch of EISA that provides young professionals in the industry with the chance to independently develop their own networks, interest and awareness of the world of SMEs and Venture Capital.

Through Green Shoots our aim is to create a space where our members can meet and interact with early-stage companies, keep up to date on industry trends, and build lasting business relationships with each other.

We do this through holding evening networking events with guest speakers, sending out regular updates, and hosting bi-annual technical seminars.

Green Shoots is free to join. Click here to get involved.

Who is on the committee?

The Green Shoots committee is an integral part of EISA, working for the past seven years to encourage younger professionals into our industries. The committee boasts an excellent panel of industry professionals:

Jessica Baker, Senior Account Manager at CoInvestor

Charlotte Surridge, Practice Manager at RW Blears LLP

Pranam Bhavani, Portfolio Associate, Seedrs

Click the video below to learn more about the committee and what we have planned for the future through Green Shoots.