We were delighted to welcome our Green Shoots guests to our online event last month, where we focused on the theme ‘value’.

The event was possible thanks to the contribution of our expert speakers, who discussed the broader and specific implications that those in the venture capital market, as well as product/service providers and consumers, must consider going forward.

If you weren’t able to attend the webinar, we’re sorry to have missed you — fortunately however, the event can be watched in full below. Before you click play, ensure you read our speaker’s bios:

Quentin Millington has equipped FTSE-100 and other multinational corporates to advance strategy, enhance culture, and strengthen leadership.
As Chief Operating Officer and in related roles at tier-one investment banks, with budgets over US$100m Quentin led multidiscipline, client-facing teams of up to 130 people. He also ran, across US$1bn businesses of more than 1,000 employees, global initiatives to increase revenue, enhance service, and cut cost.

Doug Lawson is CEO and Co-Founder of MarktoMarket, a software platform providing data and analytics to professional advisers and investors to generate robust, detailed and auditable private company valuations.
Co-founded Amati Global Investors in 2010, one of the best performing VCT and Small Cap investors in the market, Citywire AAA rated from Jan 2016 and ranked 5th in Citywire top fund managers worldwide under 40 in 2017.

Chris Adelsbach is a UK-based entrepreneur, business mentor, and investor. He is Managing Partner of Outrun Ventures, Venture Partner at Techstars, and 2018/19 UKBAA Angel Investor of the year having invested in >100 companies – many of them now notable.
Previously he was co-founder at Marlin Financial Group, which featured for five years as one of the fastest privately help companies in the UK before the founding team exited to a NASDAQ-listed entity.

Mark Brownridge is the Director General of the EIS Association.
Working with Government, products providers and companies in 2020 has been critical to ensure that the EIS market remains attractive and fit-for-purpose.
The next evolution of the EIS market is upon us and the role of EISA has never been more important.

Watch the video below:

Many thanks again to Quentin, Doug and Chris for sharing their valuable knowledge! We hope those watching found the discussion as engaging and informative as we at EISA did.

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