Ready Steady Grow! 2022 is an essential event for entrepreneurs, start-up and SME investors, wealth managers and business advisers to meet and share knowledge on  funding options and the latest developments in the EIS industry.




At KPMG, One St Peter’s Square, we are bringing together small businesses, investors, IFAs, entrepreneurs and business advisers — all in one place to hear expert opinion from SME industry experts.


This Ready Steady Grow event has passed. Check our Events page for the next!


The event is split into two parts – a technical seminar at 16.30, followed by a breakout session and networking from 17.30.



Registration from 16:00


16:30 Introduction from event chairman 

Quick sum up of EIS, basic stats, history, etc

Patrick Molyneux, Acceleris


16:35 Investing in the EIS

Summary of the EIS/SEIS reliefs and best use, including the carry back facility. Quick comparison with other tax incentive schemes, VCTs. The do’s and don’t’s of investment planning. Spreading the risk, funds and single companies. Exits and investment timelines.

Nick Pheasey, KPMG


16:45 – Funding your start-up – overview of the opportunities for entrepreneurs and start-ups

Zoe Jones, British Business Bank


16:55 – Panel discussion – Key Considerations – sectors, social impact, asset allocation and the pros and cons of EIS investing

Ben Carter – Deepbridge Capital, James D’Mello – Fuel Ventures, Riddhi Ahuja – o2h Ventures, Ashley Smith – Velocity Capital, Mark Lyons – Praetura Ventures


17:15 – Company showcase – Intro by Acceleris
The attractions of the SEIS and EIS for entrepreneurs and start-ups, how to go about raising fund

Gareth Gillatt, Founder, Raw Group

Gemma McCall, Culture Shift


17:25 Protecting and promoting the EIS

Working together to preserve the EIS. Requirement for evidence of success. The work of EISA with The Treasury and HMRC. The Sunset Clause and the mini budget.

Christiana Stewart-Lockhart, Director General, EISA


17:30 Close




Keynote: Dom Mcgregor, co-founder of Social Chain and Fearless Adventures



Who should attend this event?

Entrepreneurs looking to start a business, or access funding to take your business to its next level

Wealth managers looking to gain knowledge and expertise in EIS and small company investing

Investors looking to invest in the ‘Next big thing’

Professional Advisors who want to help SMEs develop and grow.

Will refreshments be provided?

Drinks and canapés will be provided

To attend the event, please register here.


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