Hosted by PwC at Cornwall Court, 19 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DT

Mark Brownridge, EISA Director General
Louise Mountford and Stephen Smith, PwC
Joe Lazaris, Bovill
Ed Relf, Laundrapp

Mark Brownridge opened the Seminar. Louise Mountford and Stephen Smith of PwC discussed the Autumn Budget and updated us on the current position.  Jean DeFougerolles of Ascension Ventures spoke about setting up EIS/SEIS Funds and the small business community in Birmingham. Joe Lazaris of Bovill updated members on the current regulatory position and Ed Relf of Laundrapp told us how SEIS and EIS funding helped to establish his business and build it into a thriving and expanding enterprise.

The Seminar was followed by an excellent canapes and drinks Reception hosted by PwC.  We are very grateful for their support.

There will be another event next year – date to be confirmed.