MBM Commercial is a leading legal adviser to fast growing entrepreneurial companies and investors throughout the UK with offices in London and Edinburgh. We regularly go beyond the ‘legal documents’, introduce our client companies to investors and play an important part in helping to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem in which we see companies and investors creating growth and enjoying success. We represent many high growth companies which are quickly scaling, raising SEIS and EIS funding and playing a vital role in the development of the economy within the UK and beyond. We are also pleased to represent many investor groups ranging from VC funds, other institutional investors, family offices, business angel syndicates and super-angels. Being knowledgeable on SEIS and EIS is therefore an essential feature of the work that our corporate team undertakes. Our corporate team works hard on being the best project managers, committed to keeping deals on track and on budget. As is the case for many of our client companies, recruiting talented people has been the key to growing a strong team and reputation.