Green Angel Ventures is responsible for pioneering early stage investment in the fight against climate change.  It founded the first angel syndicate specialising in climate change investments (all eligible for EIS) and has gone on to create the first EIS Climate Change Fund.  Its success is leading to venture fund management.  The specialist sectors are, in particular, Energy, Food & Agriculture, Water, Waste & Recycling, Construction & Buildings, Road Transport and Natural Resources.  A portfolio of 41 investee companies without a single failure is a result of the depth of specialist knowledge. Syndicate Membership now stands at 340 investors, of whom many are and have been notable in climate change related sectors.  The EIS Fund is supported by an additional £10 million from the Government’s Regional Angels Programme.  The EIS Fund is currently open for investment.  The Fund’s mandate is to invest in every deal completed by the Syndicate, thus benefiting from the Syndicate’s deal selection, due diligence and deal management.  Green Angel Ventures welcomes all those interested in both EIS and Climate Change, the combination of which means your investments will make your money work twice – for the planet and for your profit.