Further to the ongoing situation regarding corona virus (COVID 19), we have been informed by Parliament that it is continuing to suspend visitor access to the House of Lords. As part of that, banqueting bookings including our Chairman’s Reception and EISA Awards, are unfortunately currently being cancelled up to 31st October 2020. Given the new restrictions also being put in place from 14th September limiting numbers from different households who can meet up, we are also unable to source an alternative venue.

As a result we are immensely sad to inform you that we are not be able to hold the 2020 Chairman’s Reception and Awards as a physical event. We do however, very much still wish the event to go ahead as the EISA Board believes it incredibly important to recognise the important work the industry undertakes, this year more than ever. Therefore, this year’s event will move to an online format on 15th October 2020 at 6pm.

The event will start at 6pm with an introduction from our erstwhile Chairman, Lord Howard Flight and a update from John Glen MP, Economic Secretary to the Treasury before moving into the EISA Awards 2020. We anticipate the event lasting for approx 1 hr and 15 mins. Please add the date to your diary!

We always take pride that our events are viewed as opportunities to meet other members, network and generally enjoy like-minded people’s company in a light hearted atmosphere. We are all too aware an online event cannot come close to replicating this and will in no way match the vibrancy and downright fun that our normal Chairman’s Reception has become renowned for.  But please do use the online event as an increasingly rare opportunity to come together as an industry and celebrate all that is good about it.

Both EISA members and non members can sign up to attend here

List of FINALISTS available here

Thanks also to our fantastic judges

Philip King – Small Business Commissioner
Glen Waters – PWC Raise
Jenny Ervine – Raise Ventures
Kavita Patel – Shakespeare Martineau
David Brookes – BDO
Peter Ibbetson – Journolink
Ewoud Karelse – Tilney
Malcolm Snook – MPL Ltd
Stephen Renals – St James Place
Hans Prottey – Coutts
Mike Jackson – Tech Nation
Alex Davies – Wealth Club