A series of short, focused video interviews with our panellists from our webinar series focusing on giving you tax planning ideas for the tax year end.
Paul Mattick – Mercia
Paul also joined our roundtable which focused on resetting the growth economy. You can watch that by clicking here.
(Also featuring: Fred Soneya, Haatch, Zoe Chambers, Octopus Ventures, Justin Urquhart Stewart, Regionally).
Additionally, Paul also took part in our fees and exits roundtable, which you can watch here.
(Also featuring: Chris Sandfield, CoInvestor, Andrew Noble, Par Equity, Zoe Chambers, Octopus Ventures, Martin Crawley-Boevey, PK Group).
Andrew Noble – Par Equity
Andrew also joined our fees and exits roundtable.
Fred Soneya – Haatch Ventures
Fred also joined our roundtable which focused on resetting the growth economy.