We’re spreading the word about the EIS and the SEIS to the UK’s start up ecosystem every year with our Ready, Steady, Grow! series – are you joining us in your city?

Ready, Steady, Grow! events are designed to help each region of the UK with their EIS journey.

They feature a carefully constructed agenda featuring opinions from SME industry experts, bringing together small businesses, investors, IFAs, entrepreneurs and business advisers, as well as networking opportunities.

Explore the calendar of events for this year.

Who will you meet?

These events are designed for the UK startup ecosystem. That includes…

If you want to join, but don’t feel like you fit in these categories, get in touch with the team.

When is the next Ready, Steady, Grow! event near me?

Each autumn, we visit a series of cities across the UK. Below are the dates for 2024…

You can explore all the events in our calendar.

It will show you details about each city we are heading to, and have a link where you can sign up.

You should also follow our LinkedIn page, which is the best place to catch our speaker announcements and updates.