Have the following Open Offers:
Deepbridge Technology Growth EIS
A diversified portfolio of actively managed high-growth companies seeking commercialisation funding, the Deepbridge EIS invests in technology growth companies that have a proven technology, clear intellectual property and are operating in a high growth/highvalue market sector.
Deepbridge Life Sciences EIS
The investment strategy of the Deepbridge Life Sciences EIS is to invest in a diversified portfolio of investee companies that develops a highly disruptive proposition in one of the following sectors; biopharmaceuticals, biotechnology or medical technology.
Deepbridge Life Sciences SEIS
The Deepbridge Life Sciences SEIS seeks to fund companies with exciting new innovations that satisfy the needs of the rapidly growing life sciences market.
Deepbridge Innovation Daresbury SEIS
The Deepbridge Innovation SEIS invests in a portfolio of investee companies that are developing innovations within the digital and technology sectors.