It has only been 4 months since our last edition of ZeitgEISt but I have certainly never known a 4
months like it in my lifetime!

Quite literally our working and social world has been turned upside down in a heartbeat so our first
message is to wish you and your family well during this difficult, challenging and worrying time.

The coronavirus has decimated large parts of our economy and has not discriminated in who it
affects. There is no doubt it has hit our sector hard with fundraising plummeting in a matter of days.
Significant numbers of investors are taking risk off the table, turning to perceived safe havens and
turning off the funding taps. The domino effect is that with fund and angel groups unable to raise
the funding they expected, at what should be the busiest time of year, funding allocations for the
startups and scaleups EIS and SEIS normally supports are being slashed or torn apart. Full edition here