The EIS Association thanks two of its Board Members as they leave the Board after many years of support.

John Glencross is stepping down due to pressure from other commitments after eight years of service and an exceptional contribution to the Association and James Sore is leaving the Board as his fund no longer operates within the EIS and SEIS Schemes. Both John and James have been much valued members of the Board, and EISA has been extremely grateful for their advice and support.

John Glencross commented, “It has been an honour and a privilege to serve the EIS investment community as a member of the Board of the EISA but, after more than eight years as a director of the EISA, it is appropriate to handover to someone new. EIS is fundamental to the growth and success of the science and tech sectors in the UK. It plays a huge role in making the UK an attractive place to start and grow a business. I leave at a good time with the appointment of a new, dynamic Director General, Christiana Stewart-Lockhart. I can now devote more of my time and energies to leading Calculus which is an active participant in both EIS and VCT investing.

James Sore said, “As our fund at SuperSeed has evolved we no longer operate in the EIS space and, as such, it is now inappropriate to retain my position on the Board of the EISA. I have decided to step down with immediate effect to make space for those who can continue to deliver what is best for investors, start ups, founders, and the Government.  I leave at a time of evolution, with the exciting appointment of Christiana Stewart-Lockhart as the new Director General and the appointment of Stephen Jones as chair of the Governance Committee. We should be forever grateful for what EIS has enabled this country to achieve and forever focussed on demonstrating to the powers that be how valuable a service it is.

Lord Howard Flight, Chair of the EISA thanked John and James on their departure. “The Association relies on the expertise of those who deal with EIS and SEIS on a daily basis. John and James have provided us with invaluable support during their time on the Board and we are hugely grateful for their commitment. As they move on, it’s appropriate that we record our thanks, and we look forward now to welcoming new additions to our Board as we press for clarity from the Government regarding the extension of this vital scheme beyond the current 2025 Sunset Clause.