Lord Flight has announced that he is to stand down as Chairman of the EIS Association at the end of this year.

Lord Flight has been a wonderful Chairman for 18 years and we owe him a great debt. He has had a huge impact on both the Association and the wider EIS ecosystem. Under his Chairmanship, the Association has grown significantly and both the EIS and SEIS are now widely recognised as key contributors to the UK’s success as a world leader for innovation and entrepreneurship. The S/EIS is responsible for more than £30 billion of investment into 53,000 startups and today, more than 50,000 people are investing through the S/EIS every year.

Lord Flight shared that he “has been extremely proud to preside over the successful development of the EISA over the past 18 years.”

The EISA would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his major contribution over nearly two decades of service to the Association. Lord Flight has been our great champion and has been instrumental in helping EISA to become widely recognized as the official trade body for our industry. There have been many significant achievements including the recent extensions to the SEIS; and protecting, defending and promoting the schemes through several challenging periods in recent years.

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks for all the hard work he has put in to making the Association what it is today and for his warmth, generosity and support. His guidance, major contribution to the industry and all he has done has led us to where we are today.

We will be sharing more details about future plans in the coming days and members will, of course, have an opportunity later in the year to pay a full tribute to Lord Flight for all his contributions to the Association and the wider ecosystem.