New procedures for submitting the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) and Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) Compliance Statements to HMRC will be going live tomorrow, Tuesday 31st January.

The old i-form statements and download and email approach has been replaced by an online G-Form service which will be accessible from the Gov.UK site from Tuesday 31st January. The new G-Form Compliance Statements, including all necessary attachments, are now submitted online directly to HMRC’s Venture Capital Reliefs (VCR) Team. It is no longer necessary to email the Compliance Statement or any attachments to the VCR Team using the old i-form. However, to allow for transition, the VCR Team will continue to accept i-forms received by email until 10th March.

The Guidance within the Venture Capital Schemes Manual at VCM35020,  VCM14020, and GOV.UK Use the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme to raise money for your company and Use the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) to raise money for your company will be updated by 31st January.