EISA are calling on the Government to do as much as possible to help the UK’s startup and scaleup ecosystem.

In EISA’s press release, we call for the Government to take a range of measures in relation to EIS and SEIS to alleviate the fundraising woes already being experienced as investors becoming increasingly risk aware and withdraw from investing altogether. At a time when startups and scalesups face an unprecedented challenge just to survive, having the funding taps slowed or even turned off couldn’t come at a worse time.

We need to take decisive action now.

Thats why in our press release, found here, top of our priority list is a short term, temporary rise in EIS income tax to 60%. We know that a 30% or 50% tax relief is already very generous tax relief, but at this moment in time investors need more to enable to them to feel comfortable risking their money in startup and scaleup businesses facing an uncertain short term future but still with excellent long term prospects if they are able to ride out this storm.