Life in the COCOON Ltd - Ceanne Fernandes-Wong

Lifelancer Ltd - Jayesh Pandya +44 74774 04002

Lytegro Ltd -

Machine Eye Technology Ltd - Brendan Digney

Machine vision in agricultural and industrial off-road environments is very challenging. Dust, debris and many other issues confuse traditional machine vision systems. The lack of a robust machine vision system is one reason why heavy equipment in these applications lack wider autonomy. Machine Eye has developed a world leading machine vision solution specifically for these environments. This machine vision capability is the cornerstone of fully autonomous off-highway vehicles. Across industrial vehicles it will enable safe, sustainable, reduced-carbon operations, paving the way for fully autonomy. Machine Eye is an EIS eligible company. 07588197395

Magic Access Management Ltd - Thanos Mandaltsis

We see a future where people can sign up, sign in or pay online and offline, just by being themselves without worrying about your privacy and security. From the simple e-commerce sign up to opening a bank account, applying for a mortgage, travelling, or sharing health records, all in 2 clicks. We are creating that future starting with micropayments backed by PSD2/KYC grade identity in the entertainment industry (video gaming, digital content, news publishing).