We are excited to be hosting a female founder only pitch event on Tuesday 27 February at Wiper and True Taproom in Bristol.

Alison Rose (the then CEO of Commercial and Private Banking at NatWest) conducted the Rose Review in 2018 and found that female entrepreneurs represent huge economic potential for the UK: £250 billion could be added to the UK economy if women matched men in starting and scaling businesses.


Data also shows that women are much more likely to invest in female founded companies (and we have seen this anecdotally in MAINstream) but women make up only 14% of the UK’s angel investment community

We are, therefore, also aiming to reach and recruit more female investors, and this event is open to existing angel investors and potential angel investors.

We are going to follow the pitches with a Q&A session to allow would-be angels to ask questions and learn about the investment process whilst more seasoned investors can take a tour of the Wiper and True Tap Room.


15:00  Arrival
15:30  Pitches (four female founded businesses – 10 minute pitch and 10 minute Q&A each)
17:00  Panel Q&A plus tours of the Tap Room
18:00  Drinks and networking

RSVP here