A half-day Showcase & Workshop on Enterprise Investment Schemes.

Following the success of our recent Inheritance Tax (IHT) & Estate Planning masterclasses with their brand new (and very well received) workshop format, we’re running three more.

The final of which is our Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS) Showcase & Workshop.

In addition to the high value and insightful educational content of our masterclasses, we’re adding the Showcase content we know advisers and planners have always found so useful, making it a hybrid event that can’t be replicated online.

Please register here

Our half-day EIS Showcase & Workshop will feature:

  1. Market Overview
  2. Offer presentations compare and contrast the product offerings of seven providers of EIS solutions
  3. Interactive Roundtable Workshops – focused on technical case study analysis
  4. Live Q&A – an opportunity to ask the provider representatives any burning questions
  5. Networking breaks – speak with the providers during the refreshment breaks
  6. Digital provider literature – PDF investment memorandums and fact sheets will be emailed to you after the event
  7. Case Studies Workbook – detailed technical case studies with note sections to take home after the event

At the end of this event, attendees should be able to:

  • Understand the key features of seven fund managers’ EIS solutions
  • Describe how regular EIS investments can build a substantial tax-efficient pot
  • Evaluate the impact of deployment timelines on qualification for EIS tax reliefs
  • Describe the potential restrictions impacting exits from EIS investments
  • Describe the rules for deferring capital gains tax due using EIS
  • Define how EIS clawback works in relation to deferred capital gains tax liabilities
  • Explain how the differing risk profiles of EIS and BR impact the suitability considerations of this solution