Ready Steady Grow! 2019 is the best opportunity for entrepreneurs, investors and business advisers to meet and share knowledge on all the exciting funding options and growth financing for start ups and SMEs. We are now delighted to announce our new event partners, Seedrs



Here in Spaces Edinburgh, Spaces Lochrin Square, Fountainbrige, Edinburgh EH3 9QA we are bringing together small businesses, investors, funders, entrepreneurs and business advisers – all in one place to hear expert opinion from SME industry experts.


Hemant Bedarkar, Seedrs
Hemant is Head of Investor Services at Seedrs, responsible for the flow of capital from institutional and intermediary investors to Seedrs opportunities. This ranges from securing institutional funding for portfolio and platform companies, through to the creation of fund and portfolio services for B2B and D2C investors.

Hemant began his career in finance at Lehman Brothers and subsequently in asset management as a director at Neuberger Berman. Hemant worked across business development roles covering multiple investor channels including: insurers, pension funds, family offices, asset managers, global financial institutions and wealth managers.

Jock Millican, Director, Equity Gap 
Jock Millican is a Business Angel and Mentor working with SMEs to help them grow and develop through input of sound business knowledge and funding if required. He set up Equity Gap – a business angel syndicate in 2010 and it now has approximately 150 members and they have invested in 26 companies. He is Chairman of LINC Scotland, the Scottish Business Angel Association.

Neil Norman, Chiene + Tait
Neil specialises in working with clients on tax planning and tax relief claims including Enterprise Investment Schemes, Seed Enterprise Investment Schemes, Share Schemes, Patent Box and Research & Development Tax Credits.

Neil also works closely with new start up clients, university spin outs, business accelerators, life science organisations, angel investor networks and entrepreneurs to make sure they are fully up to speed with the latest legislation set down by HMRC.

ready steady grow Edinburgh speakers


Alexander Crawford, C0-Head of Investments, Calculus Capital 

As Co-Head of Calculus Capital’s investment team, Alexander’s role is to source and execute new deals, as well as advising a number of portfolio companies. He has over 25 years of investment and corporate finance experience, including senior roles in JP Morgan and Evercore Partners in London, New York and Johannesburg. He has an MA in Mathematics from Cambridge University and qualified as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG.

Andrew Noble, Par Equity
Par Equity is a venture capital firm created to facilitate investment into smaller companies with high growth potential. Their primary interest is in companies that are innovative and do things in new and better ways, and so gain competitive advantage. The company has been built by investors, for investors.

David Ovens, COO, Archangels
David has responsibility for the day to day management of Archangels’ business. He also has responsibility for a number of the portfolio companies. He is an experienced corporate financier, having worked for Samuel Montagu & Company Limited, Noble Grossart Limited and Noble & Company Limited, before setting up Invercap, a corporate advisory and investment firm based in Edinburgh. David is alson Vice Chair of SIS Ventures (a subsidiary of Social Investment Scotland) and a non-executive director of LINC Scotland, the trade association for angel investors in Scotland.

Chris Wardle, Foresight
Chris is a Senior Investment Manager at Foresight. He joined Foresight in 2014 from Accenture’s M&A practice, where he managed pre-deal due diligence and post-deal corporate strategy projects for private equity, consumer goods, and technology clients. He has also worked closely with a number of start-ups and charities. Chris holds an MA in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge.

Alexander Crawford

ready steady grow Edinburgh judges

 Through practical seminars, Q&As, panel discussions and networking, we review a wide range of funding options, including the government-backed Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS).

We will also explore:

Other Ready Steady Grow! 2019 events are taking place in:



Who should attend this event?

Entrepreneurs looking to start a business, or access funding to take your business to its next level

Investors looking to invest in the ‘Next big thing’

Professional Advisors who want to help SMEs develop and grow.

Is there the opportunity for me to pitch my ‘Big Idea’?

Yes! If you are an entrepreneur looking for investment in your big idea, you can pitch your plans to investors and business advisors at this event – with just 5 minutes to pitch to our panel, they will offer you insight and advice directly relevant to your business idea! Email Mark Brownridge or Ceri Evans to secure your pitching spot!


This Ready Steady Grow event has passed. Check our Events page for the next!