A third of 18-35 year-olds wear an item out only once, and 60% want to ditch fast-fashion, but lack affordable, sustainable alternatives.

Swished is the UK’s first consumer to consumer fashion rental marketplace designed specifically for the mass-market – the biggest consumers of fashion – to provide an affordable, sustainable alternative to fast-fashion.

Swished enables our customers to continue to enjoy ‘new for them’ fashion from as little as £5 a day, but through renting rather than buying, saving them money and extending the life of items that would otherwise sit unworn in wardrobes or end up in landfill.

We also enable them to make money, by turning clothes they’re not wearing, or are in the process of selling, into additional income, especially important during the current economic climate.

Our mission is to normalise rentals, making fashion more inclusive, affordable and sustainable and in doing so reduce the reliance on fast-fashion.