We are delighted to announce the winners of the EISA Awards 2022 and those highly commended

Best SEIS Investment Manager – sponsored by

What the Judges said “A smaller field than the EIS category but no less tricky to judge. The SEIS submissions have all been excellent, and it is to all the applicants’ credit they roll up their sleeves and do the hard work to get this vital investment to very early stage startups through such well packaged offerings for investors. The commitment to nurturing the least developed companies, through the various support and in­cubation strategies in place, was encouraging to see.

This part of the industry continues to grow in a healthy way and this category, with the depth and breadth of submissions, exemplified this. Very competitive and a number of groups really stood out for the judges. An attention to impact and diversity from all the entrants was encouraging.”

Best EIS/SEIS Legal or Regulatory Adviser -sponsored by

What the Judges said Some very strong entries from a wide range of sources. The high quality, technical submissions were supported by real expertise, and it is good to see the continued support for this space from such a strong offering of Legal and Regulatory providers. Whether through long term commitment to the industry or welcome innovation, the entrants demonstrated their commitment to providing support and guidance to stakeholders in this complex industry.”

Best EIS/SEIS Tax Adviser – sponsored by

What the judges said It is good to see the continued support for this space from such a strong offering of Tax Advisers as well as some new faces. The entries were thoroughly and well-articulated, clearly demonstrating the nuances of intricate tax advice and the material impact it has on the clients. The sector is fortunate to have such high quality tax services to create the framework for successful investing. These were technically very strong submissions.”

 Diversity Champion – sponsored by

What the judges said “Some very impressive submissions in the diversity category. It is encouraging to read that many of these firms are making real strides to promote investment into diverse businesses, which will have far-reaching benefits. This is a very important category and the EIS sector is making a strong contribution.”

Best Financial Planner – sponsored by

What the judges said “Extremely strong entries across the board. The detail and the thought in the submissions make it obvious that the applicants all know the space well. It is encouraging to see such strong submissions in this category, as financial planners are the medium through which so much of the benefit of EIS can be delivered to investors.”

Best Newcomer – sponsored by Kin Fund Services

What the judges said It is always good to see more players in the managed EIS space, with some strong fresh blood coming in this year. It also fantastic to see some genuine innovations and we saw a broad range of entries demonstrating that their offerings were truly novel.

New entrants are a very important part of the ecosystem – they keep the established players on their toes and this category attracted some really exciting and interesting submissions, many of which reflected the growing interest and demand for ESG/sustainable investments. All submissions were very comprehensive and articulated very welcome innovation within the EIS space.” 

Best Journalist or Advocate – sponsored by 

What the judges saidThe entrants showed a meaningful commitment to the important task of promoting EIS/SEIS to a wider audience. Whilst there were some great entries in this category, there was a standout winner whose submission was extremely impressive.

Spirit of EIS – sponsored by  

What the judges said “quality of entries and the innovative ways industry players are looking to spread the word of the sector. It was fantastic to see the increase in education to various stakeholders including investors, advisory firms and investee companies.

It is always heartening to see how the entrants to this category have rolled up their sleeves and delivered innovative initiatives for the greater good of the industry. This year is no different, with a very strong selection of creditable initiatives, designed to benefit the industry as a whole.

EISA Impact Award – sponsored by

What the judges said One of the most fascinating awards to judge because of the incredible solutions being created by businesses backed by SEIS and EIS. It shows the sector’s genuine impact and change the industry is making to society.

Best EIS Investment Manager – sponsored by

What the judges saidIntensely competitive category with superb entries which shows the quality of groups operating in the sector. There were many very deserving applicants who will be unfortunate not to get recognition due to the strength of the competition. There was often only a hair’s breadth between entrants.

It was great to see how many providers supported their investee companies through Covid, especially those that took on a lot of the administration for applying for grants and furloughing staff while the founders and teams of the companies, focused on pivotal strategies.

The quality and quantum of submissions is encouraging for the overall health of the Scheme and helps to evidence the importance of EIS ahead of the “Sunset Clause.”