Seminar will take place by Zoom

Registration link will be sent to EISA members nearer the time

Date – 20th May
Time – 10am
Duration – Approx 1hr 20min


  1. Introduction and Opening Statement – Howard Flight
  2. Supporting Business Growth – Bim Afolami – MP for Hitchin and Harpenden. Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Work & Pensions Secretary and creator of the Unlock Britain Commission to consider ways in which we can recover after the economic shock following the COVID-19 pandemic
  3. Regulatory Update – Gillian Roche-Saunders – Adempi Associates
  4. HMRC Update – Alex Buckley – HMRC
  5. Tax & Technical Committee Update – Sue Crawford – Wiggins
  6. What will the post pandemic economic environment for early stage businesses look like? – Roundtable with Jenny Tooth (UKBAA), John Spindler (Capital Enterprise), Rolf Merchant (Innovate Finance) and Ken Cooper (Managing Director, Venture Solutions – British Business Bank) – Questions welcome
  7. Questions and Closing Remarks – Mark Brownridge

All sessions are live

You will able to ask questions either via Live Chat during each speaker’s presentation.